Chronic pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide and has significant impacts on people’s lives, including contributing to severe, ongoing stress. This study explored the interactions between chronic pain and work-family interactions, given that …
Recent Findings from the MIDUS Study
Does Experiencing Discrimination Make us More Forgetful?
Memory complaints from people who notice they are becoming more forgetful are a growing public health concern, partly because such complaints may be an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease. Research has shown that stress can …
Is What You Believe About Whether Money Buys Happiness as Important as Having Money?
Researchers have often examined the cliché “money can’t buy happiness.” Prior findings suggest that having a higher income is associated with greater well-being, at least until the highest income levels are reached. However, research …
Can Psychedelics Help Maintain Thinking Skills and Lower Depression as We Age?
Rates of dementia and other cognitive (thinking) disorders, along with aging-related chronic conditions, are expected to significantly increase in coming years, due to ever greater numbers of older people. Rates of depression may also increase, …
Certain Types of Sleep May Contribute to Chronic Illness
Research has shown that poor sleep is a risk factor for developing chronic disease, and that aging often involves a decline in sleep quality and quantity. However, most sleep studies have used a single measure …
Smoking May Compromise Health at a Much Earlier Age than Previously Expected
Studies have shown that smoking is associated with worse physical functioning. However, most previous research has included only older adults. It has not considered whether smoking affects people’s health at younger ages, in spite of …
Is Accelerated Aging Linked to Having More Chronic Conditions?
Having 2 or more chronic illnesses is known as multimorbidity, which is a way of measuring a person’s physical health without reference to any specific disease. Multimorbidity is increasingly common among older adults, as aging …
Enjoying Nature May Reduce Inflammation
Research increasingly shows that contact with nature can have positive effects on mental and physical health, such as increasing positive emotions, or reducing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. However, few studies have linked nature engagement …
Lack of Positive Relationships Matter for Links Between Depression and Anxiety
It is estimated that more than half of people suffering from depression will also develop an anxiety disorder sometime during their lives, and vice versa. The reason for these associations are unclear, but important to …
Frailty is Linked to Taking Multiple Medications
Frailty has been linked to increased risk of falling, injuries, longer hospital stays, poorer quality of life, and higher mortality. As such, it can be a major health issue for some older adults. This MIDUS …