Previous research has linked a single night of bad sleep to lower well-being, but multiple nights of inadequate sleep have only been studied in clinical settings where the amount of nightly sleep was manipulated by …
Recent Findings from the MIDUS Study
Discrimination May Increase Problems with Chronic Pain
An estimated 70 million Americans suffer from chronic pain (not including pain caused by cancer). Although previous studies have shown links between discrimination and pain, they have not been studied extensively. One important unanswered question …
Body Weight in Old Age May be Linked to Childhood Disadvantage
Studies have shown that socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the strongest predictors of body weight. Those whose families were economically disadvantaged in childhood (they had low SES) tend to be heavier in early adulthood …
Women’s Feelings about Menopause Vary by Sexual Orientation
Research has shown that the experience of menopause varies from person to person and from culture to culture. For instance, in Japan, menopausal women seldom report hot flashes but instead commonly complain about shoulder stiffness. …
The Health Benefits of Having a Purpose in Life
People with purpose have goals or beliefs that make their lives meaningful and worth living. Click the link below to read the MIDUS newsletter on the health benefits that have been associated with purposeful life …
Purpose May Prevent Depression Among Those Who Were Mistreated as Children
Experiencing abuse or neglect in childhood is associated with a range of physical and emotional problems in adulthood. However, some appear to have psychological resources that help avoid these problems. This MIDUS study looked at …
Recessions Do Not Inevitably Lead to Worse Mental Health
Research has shown that recessions can have negative consequences on mental health. However, few studies have looked at how personal beliefs can affect this relationship. This MIDUS study compared the mental health of participants before …
Exercise Protects Us from Disability, but Not Always
This MIDUS study looked at whether exercise helps reduce the likelihood of becoming disabled among those who develop multiple chronic conditions over a twenty-year period. Results showed that: developing more chronic conditions (heart disease, arthritis, …
Are Thinking Skills More Likely to Decline After Retirement?
Prior research has shown that some cognitive (thinking) skills tend to decline as people get older, although there is a lot of variability in rate of decline. Evidence suggests that those who retire are at …